Mission Statement

CVAA Mission Statement

(1) Encourage youth and adults to compete in and enjoy  a multi-sport model and receive high level/low cost training in each sport

(2) to subsidize athlete competition costs through fundraising and corporate sponsorship: logos of sponsoring companies to be placed on all signage, literature, vehicles owned and operated by CVAA. A number of fundraising opportunities are available: youth are encouraged to give back through fundraising work in exchange for any funds received

(3) to provide lower cost transportation alternatives for student athletes through a series of buses and vans owned/operated by CVAA members and displaying logos of sponsoring companies.

(4) to provide coaching, refereeing, nutritional and injury management training to youth and adults members of the CVAA. Youth and active CVAA coaches will have registration costs in the aforementioned events deferred or subsidized to encourage next level use of new skills

(5) to encourage a pre and post sport event social event attendance

(6) to provide bursaries for a student(s) obtain post secondary education in a field(s) supported by the CVAA

(7) To provide tours and setup work experience at a number of post-secondary educational facilities and businesses for student athletes of the CVAA

(8) to encourage and council CVAA youth on how to enjoy sport and adapt a “Next Play” mindset

Peter Parke,
Director CVAA

Last Updated March 2017

All skill levels welcome...

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